Thanksgiving is finally here! Looking back over the history, it’s amazing how much this holiday has changed. Did you know that Americans did not celebrate Thanksgiving as an official national holiday until 1863? Also, the first Thanksgiving meal was held in 1621 and was three days long! The foods the pilgrims ate were not the same foods we think of as a Thanksgiving meal. The now-traditional meal was created by journalist Sarah Josepha Hale who created the children’s rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Hale worked for almost 30 years to make the Thanksgiving holiday official. After writing letters for years to five different presidents, Hale succeeded, and Thanksgiving was finally declared a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
In celebration of Sarah Josepha Hale, here are some rhymes to share with your family on Thanksgiving Day.
“Pies in the Oven”
Pies in the oven
Yum, yum, yum.
I can smell them
Oh, what fun!
One is pumpkin,
One is berry.
They will make
Thanksgiving merry!
Pies in the oven
Yum, yum, yum.
Soon, they’ll be in my
Tum, tum, tum!
~Jean Warren
“Funny Turkey”
The turkey is a funny bird.
Its head goes bobble-bobble.
And all he knows is just one word,
And that is GOBBLE-GOBBLE!
~Unknown author
“Mr. Turkey”
Mr. Turkey’s tail is big and wide. (Spread fingers wide)
He swings it when he walks. (Swing hands)
His neck is long. (Stretch neck)
His chin is red. (Stroke chin)
And he gobbles when he talks. (open and close hands and gobble)
~Unknown author
Thanksgiving history from: Andrews, Melodie. “Thanksgiving Day.” World Book Online InfoFinder. World Book, 2015. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.
photo credit: Thanksgiving49 via photopin (license)
The post Turkey Tunes appeared first on DBRL Kids.