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Clik here to view.Interested in exploring children’s books with other families? Expectant parents, grandparents and parents with children ages birth-2 are invited to join us in the Children’s Program Room at the Columbia Public Library for “READ from the START” on February 29 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. In partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council, the library is offering a parent-child workshop where you’ll learn fun ways to incorporate books into your child’s pre-literacy development. You’ll also receive five free books to add to your own library!
One book that will be highlighted during the workshop is “Moo, Baa, La La La!” by Sandra Boynton. In this classic book, children discover and learn the many different sounds animals make. Sandra Boynton is known for her “serious silliness” and does not disappoint with her wonderful illustrations.
Call 573-443-3161 to reserve your spot today!
Photo credit: Reading his own book via photopin (license)
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