Our annual Messy Time at the Columbia Public Library commences tomorrow, May 24th. We’re having two squishy sessions in the Gene Martin Secret Garden at 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. During this program, kids ages birth to five get to squeeze, scrunch and smash all sorts of textured edibles. Make sure to dress for a mess and bring a towel. Cancelled if raining.
Want to make your own Messy Time at home? Try out some of our recipes.
What you need:
½ cup cornstarch
½ cup water
food coloring
mini foil pans
What you do:
Combine all ingredients into the foil pans and stir. When ready, it will look wet. Kids can experiment with this by touch.
Scented Play Dough
What you need:
2 packages of Kool-Aid
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 cups boiling water
2 tablespoons cooking oil
4 tablespoons cream of tartar (optional)
What you do:
Pour boiling water into bowl, add salt and dissolve in cooking oil and Kool-Aid. After Kool-Aid has dissolved, add the flour. Mix together. After a bit, you will want to mix (knead) with your hands. CAUTION: This is hot, so children should not do this part. Once the dough is formed, roll into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap or place in resealable plastic bags. Let cool. Add cream of tartar if you plan to save and use for more than a day.
The post Make Your Own Messy Time appeared first on DBRL Kids.